Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hola people! well first,im a noob at blogging so just bare with me until I get the hang of it alright?thx.ya know this font is me tell you bout y im doing the simplest sentence im doing it cause its fun.but theres also a serious reason for my newfound hobby called also doing this because im a christian teenage girl who knows a few things about teens.sure,i dont know everything about u personally and most likely there are things u've gone through or are going through that i hav never experienced or imagined.but thats the doesnt matter wat your problems are or wat ur biggest fear is because God can handle everything.and in my blog im gunna show u dont worry,all my blogs arent going to be all serious and intense or w/e cause that might get annoying to u after a while.i'll hav lots of funny things but in every blog there will be something im gunna share with u and i want u guys and girls to post comments with question and opinions cause i wanna answer them.wat i have with God isnt a "religion".its a relationship. all i want u to do as u read my entries is really hear wat im saying and really consider now that i've said that i'll tell u in a nut shell (lol.boy does tht phrase bring bak memories :).only certain ppl will understand tho.),anywho,in a nut shell this is wat i believe:
I believe
In six days and a rest
God is good
I do confess
I believe
In Adam and Eve
In a tree and a garden
In a snake and a thief
I believe, I believe
I believe in the Word of God
I believe, I believe
Cause He made me believe
I believe Noah
Built an ark of wood 120 years
No one understood
I believe Elijah never died
Called fire from heaven
On a mountainside
It's been passed down through ages of time
Written by hands of men
Inspired by the Lord
His Word will remain to the end
I believe Isaiah
Was a prophet of old
The Lamb was slain
Just as he foretold
I believe Jesus
Was the Word made man
And He died for my sins
And He rose again

this is a song by Wes King.i only put in the chorus once tho just 2 save case u wanna hear it its called I Believe. heres a quote for ya:"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people." G.K.
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  1. wow grace this is amazing. i wish i can write like this. this is soo good =)
