Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Discovering the Rebelution

Read this quote: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." Good. Now read it again, but this time read it slowly. And again. And one more time. Now what does this even mean??? I'd be lying if I said I didn't read this quote 6 times before I understood what it was saying. Once you do understand it's meaning it is inspiring. How often do we hold on to things that we know won't last?And it can be anything. Pride, anger, bad relationships, or material items. Sometimes we don't want to let go of these things because we think we will look weak without them. For example, if people see you cry they might figure out that you don't have it all together all the time(this comes from experience). Or if you're not angry every second people might trample over you and take advantage of you. You may be hanging out,or going out, with someone who is a bad influence and you know it but they're "cool" and you don't want to make them mad. But let me ask you something. What's it costing you? I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about the emotional, mental, spirtitual, and even physical toll its taking on you.
I recently read the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. It is an incredible book that is redefining a generation and a culture. It is about the "Rebelution". The twin authors define the Rebelution as "a teenage rebellion against low expectations". It is about doing hard things for God. Society underestimates teenagers. They expect us to be a bunch of partying, immature, lazy kids stuck between childhood and adulthood. This book, and I, beg to differ though. Teens have SO much potential for doing amazing things. We are stronger than we think and God has shown that countless times. A "rebelutionary" is also someone who has a holy ambition. There is something that they feel pulling on their heart. It might be an issue like modern slavery, AIDS, or world hunger. It might also be going on a missions trip, travelling, or becoming more Christ-like. In every case, a rebelutionary defies pop culture and seeks out excellence in whatever they do. I have recently been given a holy ambition of going to Israel. I want to see the places that Jesus and the disciples walked. I want to learn where my faith came from, and I want it to give me greater insight into who God is and how awesome he is. Have you been given a holy ambition? If yes, pursue it will all your heart and don't be afraid of failure. If not, ask God what it is. Figure out what problems/issues affect you. It is time to be a generation of history-makers and world-changers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Year Two

Bonjour mes amis!!!C'est un bon jour écrire.(its a good day to write).i apologize in advance for any random writing in french :) Anyway,life's been alright lately.I also just realized that this is the second year i've had this blog.well on this wonderful occasion i would like to tell you my new years resolution.seeing as i havent written for a while.so here it is:my resolution this year is to build my friendships and be a better friend.i will be the first to admit it hasnt exactly been the perfect year as far as keeping resolutions.but this year its serious.its time to buckle down and wake up.me and everyone out there.we could all do something better for each other this year.and if life hasnt been great lately then look at this as your new beginning."How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Camp

well i got home from a week of summer camp friday and let me tell ya, it was totally amazing.i had so much fun.the games were wicked intense lol.the food,the people,the services,and the weather were all awesome.this year was my first time going and im so glad i did.i was on team cornthwaite(aka cornflakes) and since we're totally beastly we came in second place at the end of the week xD.unfortunatly though i got about 10 bug bites and i sorta fell on a tree during capture the flag lol.hey,at least i got the kids flag lol.yeah i found out just how dangerous camp can be haha.but it was totally worth it.oh my gosh i wish i could go back.cross country practices are starting today too so im definitly excited about that.it feels so good to run :) well im off!have a great day and dont forget to smile!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When You're Bored

well just so you all know im 16 now :D lol.but anyway,lifes been good i guess.im going to be taking the state test for drivers ed. and i really hope i pass haha.im also really exicted because i went to a college fair and some colleges have sent me some info bout thier schools.i really like goucher college in virginia.so yeah.whats really funny is i found this website with "20 things to do in an elevator when you're bored".some of the ideas are soooooooo funny oh my gosh i love it.my favorite is this:stare at someone i an elevator,smiling, and when they look at you just smile big and say "im wearing new socks today" LOL im so going to do that one day hahaha! yeah...i also found a website with "101 fun things to do in wal-mart".tht list is pretty funny too.well you should all go find those sites and read em.have fun with that!!! :) lol

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sweet 16

well i'd just like to let everyone know that MY 16TH BIRTHDAY IS IN EXACTLY A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D lol.yeah so im uber excited about that.me an all my friends are going on a scavenger hunt in the mall and then we're gunna hang out at my house and have a fire in my backyard.it's goin to be super intense.haha.im also starting driver's ed this week so life is pretty good right now.well since the swine flu has been in the news lately i think i'll talk about that.well for all of you who don't know it started in mexico and now its in the U.S. A lot of people have been going nuts about it thinking that everyones gunna die and its the end of the world.its ok people,its not the end of the world.just calm down.but i guess i cant really blame people for going crazy with VP joe biden saying on the morning news that he told his family to stay inside and don't go out in public places.way to scare the country mr.biden.that was real smart.lol.the good news is that the swine flu is going down now so everyone:you can relax now.you should still be careful about germs and stuff but you're gunna live.theres no need for alarm.well theres your update.have a great day and dont forget:God doesn't just leave you.he leaves you in a certain place for a reason :)....o and by the way,dont get mugged!!! lol!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Youth Sunday-the aftermath

well today we had our Youth Sunday at my church. it was REALLY fun. we did this awesome skit and after we all had pizza and then we played a lot of volleyball,elimination(a volleyball related game),and football.which reminds me...I TOTALLY BEASTED IN FOOTBALL!!!!! :D lol! yeah it was pretty cool.so heres a few random facts for your entertainment:in iceland its illegal to own a pet dog.in swtizerland(spelling??) its illegal to slam your car door.and the most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million.yeah.you can tell i got really bored one day.ha ha.well one more piece of information that may or may not interst you is that the band Revive is intense and their cd is great.they come from australia and the band Third Day discovered them an brought them to america while on a tour.well thats really all i have to write for today.i promise ill write more regularly.but for now...cherrio matey!! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Youth Sunday

APRIL 19,2009
If you are reading this and you happen to live in Rhode Island then come to our Youth Sunday. especially if you're a teenager. its basically a service run by the youth group.there are songs,special mini messages,food,human video(s),and more.once i get more info i'll post it but here's what i know so far.i promise you you'll have fun.